Wednesday, 4 December 2019


So a good half of the songs on that record were that, they were me going back over these big moments, you know, failed relationships and other things that I've experienced in my life and understanding them now that I'm a bit separated from them. Doug Clifford and Stu Cook look back on the bright-burning Creedence Clearwater Revival Woodstock set from August , and talk about the decision to get off the road after 25 years as Creedence Clearwater Revival. Falling by Dude York. Playing in a band since his early 20s had only been seen as a side gig through his eyes; his main career evident in the ever-growing trail of indie-movie-festival darlings and TV shows he's helped fill with sound. Prolific singer-songwriter Wallis Bird tackles inequality and a world in crisis with her compelling, freewheeling new album, Woman. thunder clatter keegan dewitt

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I don't know, the thing I don't feel confident about right now is the way people consume music. Well, I don't feel like it's about comfort levels, it's just what's exciting to me at that time, telling stories, things that I find interesting.

Or browse results titled:. So it was important kfegan we kind of chill out first to write.

thunder clatter keegan dewitt

It marks a particular moment in the musician's life and his belief that songs never die. No one was satisfied with the commercial viability of what we were giving them so we were free to make whatever record we were happy with, even if that meant that we might never get to make another record again.

Backtrack to Center: An Interview with Wild Cub's Keegan DeWitt - PopMatters

Retrieved 30 August Wild Cub — Youth". That's why when we went in there with this big producer we immediately pivoted out, took a step back and were like "How can we do this again? Retrieved from " tuhnder We had completed most of the record together in one place, but it took a long time from when it all began to when it finally shook out.

Was the move from Nashville to Los Angeles a big transition? Keegan DeWittJeremy Bullock. Playing in a thubder since his early 20s had only been seen as a side gig through his eyes; his main career evident clatfer the ever-growing trail of indie-movie-festival darlings and TV shows he's dewitg fill with sound. It was hard too because we spent so much time making the music and bringing this record into existence and then all we got was silence. Tags pop indie pop Nashville.

It's sort of like when people hear "Thunder Clatter" and go "Wow, you're saying exactly what I'm feeling right now," that was the same way I felt watching Milly's film and looking at her photography.

thunder clatter keegan dewitt

And songs, at least for me, are like medicine. We could have done it that way, but we were really excited to continue making music how we had. I think that lyrically this record goes through some of the more intense growth moments of my life.

The 10 Best Electronic Albums of Revisiting our best electronic albums fromwe find these records have stood the test of time. This expanded edition from Cherry Red Records makes the thuhder for hearing it free of the baggage of that alt rock era.

Doug Clifford and Stu Cook look back on the bright-burning Creedence Clearwater Revival Woodstock set from Augustand talk about the decision to get off the road after 25 years as Creedence Clearwater Revival. You've talked about how the unifying theme of Youth was this transitional period a person goes through between age 17 and 27, and I was wondering if this new record had something similar behind it.

It all took way longer than we thought because of a whole bunch of different factors. So we were sitting there on the first day in the studio with this producer, and he essentially wanted us to play like a rock band.

I grew up loving the idea of like the entire record, you know, when I was in my adolescence OK Computer was like the perfect example: Well "Thunder Clatter" was essentially a huge part of what we did.

Thunder Clatter

Electro duo the Juan MacLean release a flat collection of previously released house singles on The Brighter the Light. Sometimes it would be big and loud and sounded like it could be played in the stadium, and other times it was very intimate and small, and more stylized; I've always really respected their agility.

We're all big fans of Little Dragon, the way they use rhythm and repetition, and their minimalism to a certain degree. This isn't us; this isn't how we want to make records.

Keegan DeWitt - Thunder Clatter

This page was last edited on 6 Decemberat I don't think I'll ever be excited about the fact that someone will only listen to a song because it's on the "Indie Shuffle Playlist", that will never stop bumming me out as an artist, but there's no way around it because that's how commerce has demanded music be consumed.

And with this record, we were giving it to people who were essentially like "How do we make this be the next 'Thunder Clatter' on steroids?

I keeban know, I think for us traveling over those two years helped broaden the idea of what we wanted to do musically.

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