Tuesday, 17 December 2019


You do not exist without me as Your sarlram and I do not have satthA existence without You as my sarlree indweller. Another Azhwar has declared the mutual relationship anyOnya sambhandham between the Lord and the Jeevan this way: The second paasuram focuses on the Ubhaya VibhUthi yOgam. It is only cognized by the senses such as smell and related to thereafter. May You live long for many thousands of years! Protection is wished for the Nava Youwana soundharyam constantly renewing beauty of those parama BhOgya Thiruvadi. thirupallandu

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Selva Nampi suggested that the king organize an assembly of scholars to establish who is the Thirupsllandu Para DEvathai One among the gods, who alone can guarantee MOksha phalan.

Param Svayam" Prakruthi is Supreme. Those who recite this hymn, consider that their coming across this hymn, is indeed a good and auspicious year hour and also chant "Namo NaarAyaNAya", They will gain entry into Moksha and sing in praise of the Supreme Being "PallANDu" there living within His close quarters and surrounding Him.

In the next three paasurams, the invited ones join with the AzhwAr AahUthars become sangathars. Unn sewadi sewi ThirukkAppu. She lives in a state of bliss on the right chest of Her Lord.

That sambhandham is celebrated here and RakshA is offered to that sambhandham. Therefore, we follow the margam prescribed for VaishNavAs. We eat the remnants of food found in vessels offered unto You after nivEdhanam and we decorate our heads with TuLasi leaves and flower wreaths, worn and cast off by You.


May You live long! MeemAmsakAs explain the meaning of the use of the two words: They performed Prapatthi and became nirbharAs and NirbhayAs without burden and fear. BhagavAn's ThirumEni is like a dark rainy cloud.

Let me sing in praise of Him, who thirpallandu the banner of Garuda, the enemy of the hooded serpent: Please come and mingle with us soon. They responded positively and stated their fitness to join and were accepted. MaNN according to them is that good fortune adhrushtam thirulallandu through the cognition of the objects by sight.

May Your sacred feet and their soundharyam stay eternally lustrous nithya oujvalyam and auspicious for many, many years! We won't permit in our midst those who serve others for food i.

Thirupallandu with Audio - Download

AzhwAr now drew the line and expressed clearly who he had in mind to join the ghOshti: The Lord, who gave us thriupallandu this wealth to enjoy has now created desire in us for Moksham and is ready now to recieve our MangaLaasanam as veLLuyirhaL qualifying holy souls for Moksha sukham.

Our kulam for seven generations has been free of any blemish of seeking prayOjanams other than Bhagavath PrApthi and has not engaged in worshipping other gods for alpa siddhis.

We sing PallANDu to Your heroism in jumping on top of the serpent with five hoods by the name of Hhirupallandu and subduing his egotistic behavior.

We strictly adhere to Bhagavath Saasthrams.

Thirupallandu with Audio

That makes one filled with VaishNava Sri. What a miracle it is to see that we have been saved through Your incomparable mercy from falling into the unredeemabale pit of Kaivalyam. His lotus like soft and red feet walked over the sEthu built by His army and put an end to RaavaNan and his kulam, dhanam and Iswaryam.

Other Commentaries and saarams Sriman T. VishNuchitthar arrived at the royal court and was greeted warmly by the king and his teacher, Selva Nampi. MaNam is not identified by the eye. The Lord who is being hailed with long life, is by nature Parisuddhan and eternal; He is established in His divine abode and handles effectively the powerful bow known as Saamgam.

Hence, AzhwAr adds them to his group with adiyOmOdum and performs rakshA for their inseparable union with the Lord for untold length of time. Before becoming members of ThoNDaikkulam, as IswaryArthees, they belonged to PaNDaikkulam the ancient ghOshti seeking other gods and targeting their rquests to them to gain alpa phalans.

They recognized that the power of that ViashNava chinnam will lead to Moksham and not to other janmAs rebirths in samsAram. I pay my obeisance to You. He has a lofty status because of his abhimAnam as a Sri VaishNavar.


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